Who are we?

is a non-profit Portuguese association,
founded in Cascais in July 2015.

We represent all players in the marine bioresources and blue biotech value chain
Ranging from:
- Raw material producers
- R&D units
- Biotech SMEs
- Transforming centres and manufacturers
- Public sector & governmental entities
- Support companies
- Final consumer product’s developers
We promote and develop the blue bioresources sector, leading to more jobs and value creation for Portugal.
We have currently over 200 associates, including all subsectors of the marine bioresources value chain in Portugal.
We collectively organize this value chain, to foster its relations and dynamics, leveraging its SMEs growth and accelerating their internationalization.

National & European level
Additionally, BBA is the national voice for the sector, interacting at national governmental level for policy briefs and guidelines, at central European level for H2020 and science funding opportunities, while also operating at the global level to promote and internationalize the Portuguese Marine Bioresources and Blue Biotech sector.
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