BlueBio Techpreneurs is a project funded by the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF).
The project addresses the EMFAF-2023-Blue Careers’ goals to 1) boost collaboration between academia and the private sector, 2) encourage students, young graduates and professionals to embrace blue careers, and 3) support companies in accessing cross-sectoral talent, fostering innovation and closing the skills gap in the blue biotech sector.
Specifically, BlueBio Techpreneurs will create a learning and leadership programme around the blue biotech sector whose final aim is to match stakeholders already in the industry with those looking for information and inspiration about careers in the blue bioeconomy and students who need transversal knowledge and skills to understand how to exploit the increasing opportunities in this sector.
The project will involve the creation of a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), a series of 6 webinars and 3 in-person events (hackathons) in three different countries.
BlueBio Techpreneurs is a 30-months project by a consortium of 5 organisations: Submariner network for blue growth (Germany), Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (France), BlueBio Alliance (PT), Syddansk Universitet (Denmark) and Uniwersytet Gdanski (Poland).
EMFAF Project Grants — EMFAF-2023-BlueCareers: BlueBioTechpreneurs – Unlocking Transversal and Entrepreneurial Skills for the Blue Bioeconomy
Project Duration: 30 months | Sep 2023 – Feb 2026
Funding: 900.000€
Contact: project@bluebioalliance.pt
The BlueBio Techpreneurs project is funded by European Union under the Grant Agreement ID 101124697.