5ª ASSEMBLEIA GERAL DA BBA Na passada sexta-feira, dia 29 de Março, realizou-se a 5ª AG da BBA no CIIMAR. Contamos com 22 associados presentes que contribuíram ativamente para este momento tão importante da associação! A Diretora Executiva Helena Vieira mostrou aos presentes o relatório de actividades de 2018 e apresentou aos associados o novo Read More
BBA News
3rd BBA Annual Conference – Final Programme
BLUEBIO ALLIANCE will organize its 3rd Annual Conference, integrated into the Business2Sea meeting, with Fórum Oceano, on the morning of the 6th June, at Alfândega do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
We are starting a series of thematic co…
BBA is organizing again massive Portuguese Delegation to BIOAMRINE 2017, Rimousky, Canada
BBA is leading the organization, in collaboration with Forum Oceano, of the Portuguese delegation participation at BIOMARINE 2017, on…
3rd BBA Annual Conference, Alfândega do Porto, Porto, Portugal
BLUEBIO ALLIANCE will organize its 3rd Annual Conference, integrated into the Business2Sea meeting, with Fórum Oceano, on the morning of the 6th June, at Alfândega do Porto, Porto, Portugal. This year’s we will start a series of them…
BBA will be present at ERA-NET Marine Biotechnology Workshop, Brussels, Belgium.
Fruit of the long collaboration of Helena Vieira at the International Advisory board of this ERA-NET, BBA will be present at this workshop that will focus of value chain advancement of major knowledge outputs from past marine biotech funded projects …
BBA presents at European Maritime Day Conference, Poole, UK
Our Executive Director, Helena Vieira, will represent the national bluebio alliance sector at the European Maritime Day conference, by invitation of European Commission. The participation will focus on debating the BLUE CALLS of EU H2020 and how they…
BLUEBIO ALLIANCE integrates Scientific Committee of BBI, Brussels, Belgium
BBI JU (Bio-Based Industry Joint Union) is an important PPP at EU level, involving the biggest Bio-based industries in EU and world. BBA now integrates the SC of BBI JU, by selection in a very competitive call, of its executive Director, Helena Vieir…
BLUEBIO ALLIANCE leads the Portuguese Delegation to BIOMARINE 2016, Oslo, Norway (19-21.Oct.2016)
Portugal has seen in the past 2 years a great acceleration of its blue bioresources and biotech sector and, as a clear proof of Portugal’s prominent role at the international level, BLUEBIO ALLIANCE will lead a delegation of more than 22 SMEs, R&D centers and institutions to participate and represent our country in BIOMARINE 2016, Read More