WIN-BIG is a project funded by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency.

The project addresses the current lack or uneven knowledge on the role women play across blue economy sectors and across EU regions. WIN-BIG project aims therefore to provide an accurate and widespread dataset on the gender status and women’s role across blue economy and in all 6 EU sea basins (Atlantic, Mediterranean, Baltic, North, Arctic and Black Sea), as well as determining the yet remaining skills gaps preventing women from entering or progressing in the blue career ladder.

The consortium is led by the University of Aveiro (PT) and also includes Geonardo Environmental Technologies (HU), BlueBio Alliance (PT), Business as Nature (PT), S.PRO – Sustainable Projects (DE), National University of Ireland Galway (IE), Marine Institute (IE), Cluster Maritimo Marino de Andalucia (ES), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT), Stichting WOMEN4OCEANS (NL), Federazione del Sistema Marittimo Italiano (IT), Universiteit Gent (BE), Forum Oceano (PT), and AKP AS (NO).

EMFAF Project Grants — EMFAF-2022-PIA-WBE: Women in blue economy intelligence gathering and capacity boosting

Project Duration: 3 years | May 2023 – May 2026

Funding: 1.3 million €


The WIN-BIG project is funded by European Union under the Grant Agreement ID 101111985.S